
Prisma aims to limit the number of pens and pencils that you carry around. The pencil case was inspired by other students around me at my university and the downsides of the pencil cases that they owned.


I noticed that many of my fellow students had large pencil cases where it was hard to find the needed pen. An example of the messy contents of a typical pencil case is shown here. I concluded that you only need 3 types of pens. A mechanical pencil, a roller ball and a fine liner or similar. 

The challenge then was to create a pencil case that only had room for 3 pens without being perceived as a scaled down conventional case.

Finding potential shapes was done through sketching as seen in lines above the prototypes to the right. These in turn were constructed quickly by stapling paper together.

Once the triangular shape with curved sides had been discovered a cardboard model was created. This shape was considered the most interesting as the tension created by bending the pieces create a natural rigidity in the case. The curves also constituted natural spaces for the pens to rest.

Prisma is made from three pieces of leather sewn together at the edges to form curves that stabilize it. The triangular shape can be stood up to showcase the pens or laid on its side when one pen is being used.