

 Hi, my name is Arild Nilsson. 

As an industrial designer with a master’s degree in mechanical engineering I specialize in aesthetic and functional design that also has the potential of being realized in production. It has been said that a good engineer is a little bit of a designer and a good designer is a little bit of an engineer. With my background I have a solid footing in both fields.

Designing with manufacturing in mind, through knowledge of production methods and material properties, creates the ability to streamline the process from establishing user needs to creating a finished product concept. 

My design process relies heavily on analogue and traditional methods such as sketching and building cardboard prototypes in order to keep ideation free and fluid. However, I do not shy away from techniques such as 3D-printing. I tend to only introduce computer aids such as Solidworks, Fusion or Creo in later stages once the design has been decided upon.

I am passionate about product development and enjoy products that are striking through their simplicity.  I am happy to work on anything from initial ideation of product concepts to more extensive product development projects.